View Profile Ingrosch
Carry on, folks. Nothing to see here. Everything is under control. *BOOM* Yup, everything is fine...

Age 36, Male

Software Developer

Ilmenau, Germany

Joined on 6/18/08

Exp Points:
740 / 900
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5.09 votes
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Hello everybody (as if anyone would read my first news post...),

so a friend of mine is going to celebrate her birthday and I was in desperate need of a present for her.
Since she is the kind of person who is hard to shop for I resorted to make something creative for her. She's good at art and made some paintings for me in the past. I came up with the idea of recording some songs played on piano for her, because music is the type of art/creative work I can handle... at least a bit, I guess.

So. Well. I recorded some of our favourite songs (which I am capable to play) and realized that a CD consisting of those still would lack the personal touch. And thus I wrote two songs myself.
Which I will upload on NG soon.
(probably after some futile attempts to make them sound better than they are...)

Ah... yes, that's the story behind this news post, amazing, isn't it?

So, first real submission coming soon, just to get the songs under license before anybody is able to steal them from me. And maybe to get some feedback.

( I resist the sudden urge to end this post with "hugs and kisses". Seriously, what the hell? )

Ah well, greets and see ya.

Recent Game Medals

9,750 Points

25 5 Points

Scored 25.

Public Servant 10 Points

Complete 20 quests for NPCs, hoping they'll ignore all of the damage you've done.

X-Ray Goggles 25 Points

Scan 125 different foes. (Captured foes count as scanned!)

None Are Free 100 Points

Capture 100 different foes. Leave no free animals to graze the fields - all bow before their master.

Give 100% 5 Points

Buff yourself to the max. Some equips will help out with this... but the foes may beat you to it.

RIP in Peace 5 Points

Honour the dead by shuffling away their corpses and bringing in reinforcements.

Owned 5 Points

Sometimes the enemies don't even have to do anything.

Uncontrollable Hunger 5 Points

Get inflicted with the Hungry status, and pig out on whatever you can find.

Arctic Expedition 50 Points

Unpreparedness won't stop this adventure.

River Rapids 50 Points

Sail towards unknown lands on a dinky raft that's totally sea-worthy.